Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can’t Think of Anything to Write

You heard that. I CANNOT THINK OF ANYTHING TO WRITE ABOUT! Nothing. Zilch. Nata.What about tornadoes? I’ll go with that. I’m trying to figure out why they form. Has to be something that deals with Low
Pressure. Like a pocket of Low Pressure in the storm. Something like that. Or what about  a Tornado in a tube? The water, in which the twister forms in, is different from what is outside the bottle, the air. Still don’t get it. I’ll probably figure it out someday. It’s just one of those weather mysteries. I’m still thinking about it though. I can’t help it. Tornadoes are so mysterious. They pop out of a thunderstorm all of a sudden. They are both beautiful, and deadly at the same time. Could possibly have something to do with the wall cloud. Not all storms with wall clouds produce tornadoes. Could be with how strong the wall cloud is? I’m sitting upside down, thinking all of this up. Ohhhh….. cities produce more heat. Maybe when most storms enter a city, they start to weaken, making it nearly impossible for a tornado. Of course everyone knows that. There has to be something else. Wonder what it is.  Oh well, if you have any ideas, even if they sound stupid to you, please leave a comment.

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